Information Security and Data Protection: Web Application



Information Security, Cyber Attacks, LGPD, ISO


The world is becoming increasingly digital, regardless of the industry: healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, services, and more. In common, they all rely on technology to improve efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and gain better insights into their customers. Billions of data are transmitted over networks, many of which are confidential and strategic, deserving careful handling and a security strategy to protect them. Only those with the rightful authorization should be able to view, edit, or update data according to their needs. The Data Protection Law (LGPD) was created to standardize how data is handled and treated, requiring companies to establish standardized internal policies that comply with the law and safeguard their information from leaks or unauthorized access, while also defining their rights and responsibilities. This research employed a Case Study methodology, utilizing a vulnerability test to identify flaws in the application. After analyzing the results, seven vulnerabilities were discovered, proposing solutions, thereby emphasizing the importance of implementing best practices in conjunction with regulations and laws to ensure a secure environment and mitigate risks while preventing attacks


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How to Cite

Costa, E. S. da ., & Galvão, W. C. . (2023). Information Security and Data Protection: Web Application. Journal of Technology & Information, 3(1). Retrieved from

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