The Effects of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Management of the Drug Supply Chain for HIV Patients in Ukraine


  • Laura Regina Petrachim Moraes Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí
  • Aimar Martins Lopes Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí
  • Andreina Fernanda Oliveira Simionato Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí
  • Janaína Firmino
  • Ranâny Marques Moreira de Sousa Faculdade de Tecnologia de Jundiaí


Supply chain; War Russia and Ukraine; HIV; Medicines; Ukraine; Supply chain Health


The consequences of a war directly imply destroyed health systems, damaged infrastructure, and weakened economies. It is a period in which humanitarian law and the dignity of human life are systematically ignored, as they limit access to basic resources for survival. The present work addresses the reconfiguration of the supply chain in the face of the war in Ukraine and Russia (2022) to meet the needs of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) patients, who depend on daily medicines to maintain a stable and dignified level of health in society. The article presents quantitative data that emphasize the importance of international relations for a fateful moment such as war, as well as the impact of timely interference from humanitarian institutions and NGOs aimed at specific groups to meet health needs. In view of the logistical aspect, it will be possible to analyze how its planning is essential for society today and how the supply chain interferes with the well-being of a population.


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How to Cite

Petrachim Moraes, L. R., Martins Lopes , A. ., Oliveira Simionato , A. F. ., Firmino, J. ., & Marques Moreira de Sousa , R. . (2022). The Effects of the Russian-Ukrainian War on the Management of the Drug Supply Chain for HIV Patients in Ukraine. Journal of Technology & Information, 2(3). Retrieved from