Evaluating the performance of virtual project teams during the pandemic



virtual teams, projects, management, COVID-19


Bringing a team to the level of excellence is a task of great complexity. The current COVID-19 pandemic scenario made this task much more complex, as many companies were forced to quickly adapt to the home office work mode. Then, there is a considerable need for changes in the project teams regarding physical, psychological and emotional state. When considering this current scenario and the probability that similar situations may happen in the future, the study and reassessment of the teams' desired competencies, aiming at assertiveness in their performance in emergency situations, became inevitable. Therefore, the study evaluated the performance of virtual project teams formed during this period. The preparation of this study sought to understand the composition, skills and abilities of these teams, as well as the influence of the pandemic context and its challenges to achieve high performance and consequently the success of projects, through the application of a questionnaire that had as main references the 4 C's of Dyer and the 5 challenges of Lencioni's teams. Thus, a sample of 105 responses was obtained, and with the main results, a survey of the characteristics related to the organization and development of team members was made, as well as the indicators of their competences for teamwork. And it was concluded that the teams show a positive pattern and a development of teamwork even in the face of a pandemic scenario.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Araujo, L., Andrade Costa, B., & Guem Murakami, R. (2022). Evaluating the performance of virtual project teams during the pandemic. Journal of Technology & Information, 2(3). Retrieved from http://www.jtni.com.br/index.php/JTnI/article/view/35