A Reflection on the Use of Information Technology as an Ally to Support Actions Against the Pandemic of Covid-19



Information, Pandemic, Patient, Health, Technology


With the world globalized by economy, culture, and information, it is not surprising that adverse conditions on a larger scale tend to promote a state of worldwide alert. This condition was corroborated by the pandemic of COVID-19, in which the world was faced with the need for answers in a short period of time, for a virus with strong potential for dissemination and lethality, when not faced within the appropriate conditions. Health institutions became hostages of results in different countries. The response to this pandemic requires the adoption of different knowledge and digital assistive technologies to support clinical practice.  The digital transformation process of healthcare institutions, which was sometimes postponed, now has a new strategic guideline due to the moment of this pandemic. The research proposed here is about the role of different Information Technologies in Health, as an ally in facing and supporting the practice of care.


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How to Cite

Vitorino, A. J., Zembruski, P. S. ., Pacheco, V. H. ., & Soares, R. (2021). A Reflection on the Use of Information Technology as an Ally to Support Actions Against the Pandemic of Covid-19. Journal of Technology & Information, 2(1). Retrieved from http://www.jtni.com.br/index.php/JTnI/article/view/28